
A Week at Sea … 🌺
Update, Photos, Story Times Newsletter, Tour The Gothard Sisters Update, Photos, Story Times Newsletter, Tour The Gothard Sisters

A Week at Sea … 🌺

We've just returned from a lovely week in the sun and sand onboard the inaugural String Break Cruise in the Bahamas. It was a week full of great music, sightseeing, and fun times for all. A true music festival at sea! One of the things that was so truly special about the cruise was getting to hang out with our friends in other bands and their families, and actually have the chance to watch …

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NEWS: 'New Horizons' in the Rose Parade
Music, Update, Photos, Story Times Newsletter The Gothard Sisters Music, Update, Photos, Story Times Newsletter The Gothard Sisters

NEWS: 'New Horizons' in the Rose Parade

We have some exciting news to share -- our song, New Horizons, is going to be featured on a float in the 136th annual Tournament of Roses in California! For those who don't know what that is, it's a nationally televised event on January 1st ( New Year's Day) associated with one of six major games…

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November Update
Music, Update, Photos The Gothard Sisters Music, Update, Photos The Gothard Sisters

November Update

Hello All!
November's greetings to you. I'm currently observing an industrious chipmunk nearby who is busy collecting seeds for the Winter. Nothing can stop this chipmunk. After attempting to jump between branches, the chipmunk has fallen out of a tree, got whacked by a blustery neighboring branch, has been attacked by crows, frozen in fright by the sounds of sirens going by and more. But this chipmunk is going to be well-stocked for the winter.
So, I think I'm inspired by this chipmunk. 

Anyway, here's a quick update on what's been going on!

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October Update
Music, Update, Photos The Gothard Sisters Music, Update, Photos The Gothard Sisters

October Update

Hello All!
October's greetings to you. Here in the Pacific Northwest we've officially reached the time of year that I call "confusing" because "it's not cold but it's not warm either." The spiderwebs are spectacular, the trees are changing their gowns to a new color, and we're busy at work on our current musical and creative projects -- as usual. So, here's a quick update on what's been going on!

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September Update
Music, Update, Photos The Gothard Sisters Music, Update, Photos The Gothard Sisters

September Update

Hello All! Greetings from the road. We're currently back on the East coast and powering up from Virginia to Rhode Island toward the second run of shows in New England.

The tour started out at Appaloosa Festival in Virginia, which is one of our favorite festivals. We have played here at least five times over the years, and every time it feels more like a reunion because

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August Update
Music, Update, Photos The Gothard Sisters Music, Update, Photos The Gothard Sisters

August Update

After a nice break from touring, we're getting ready for our Fall tour, starting with the Appaloosa festival on Labor Day weekend, then followed by a run of shows in New England before heading back to the Pacific Northwest for a couple shows -- one at the Triple Door in downtown Seattle, which is a favorite

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