August Update

After a nice break from touring, we're getting ready for our Fall tour, starting with the Appaloosa festival on Labor Day weekend, then followed by a run of shows in New England before heading back to the Pacific Northwest for a couple shows -- one at the Triple Door in downtown Seattle, which is a favorite and a wonderful venue, as well as in Snohomish at the Thumbnail Theatre.

We're already starting to work some of our new songs into these set lists, which is really fun. Recording on the album is coming along nicely, and it should be coming out sometime next year! But you might get a preview of some of the new music if you come to a show... just sayin'. ;)

In the Studio: Update

In case you missed the news in the last Story Times, we're working on a new album! It should be coming out sometime next year, and it will be twelve brand new original songs. We already have 7 of the 12 songs done, and we love listening to the new direction these songs are taking!  We're really looking forward to you all getting to hear it.

That's it for now -- time to get back to the recording studio to make the new music exist! :)

Thank you all for being here, and for listening to our music.
We'll see you down the road,
Greta, Willow and Solana
The Gothard Sisters
P.S. this blog post is an excerpt from the Gothard Sisters’ monthly newsletter, the Story Times. If you’d like to receive these updates, sign up


September Update


Summer Giveaway ✨