
A Week at Sea … 🌺
Update, Photos, Story Times Newsletter, Tour The Gothard Sisters Update, Photos, Story Times Newsletter, Tour The Gothard Sisters

A Week at Sea … 🌺

We've just returned from a lovely week in the sun and sand onboard the inaugural String Break Cruise in the Bahamas. It was a week full of great music, sightseeing, and fun times for all. A true music festival at sea! One of the things that was so truly special about the cruise was getting to hang out with our friends in other bands and their families, and actually have the chance to watch …

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NEWS: 'New Horizons' in the Rose Parade
Music, Update, Photos, Story Times Newsletter The Gothard Sisters Music, Update, Photos, Story Times Newsletter The Gothard Sisters

NEWS: 'New Horizons' in the Rose Parade

We have some exciting news to share -- our song, New Horizons, is going to be featured on a float in the 136th annual Tournament of Roses in California! For those who don't know what that is, it's a nationally televised event on January 1st ( New Year's Day) associated with one of six major games…

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How Do You Listen?
Story Times Newsletter The Gothard Sisters Story Times Newsletter The Gothard Sisters

How Do You Listen?

Greta here: I have a question for you. Do you listen to albums on CD now? Or have you migrated your listening habits to streaming services or downloads? I'm very curious what your favorite one is, or how your habits have changed, even in the last year.As for me, I kind of do everything! (Except for maybe downloads

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When a Song Takes a Long Time 🍁
Story Times Newsletter, Songwriting The Gothard Sisters Story Times Newsletter, Songwriting The Gothard Sisters

When a Song Takes a Long Time 🍁

As I’m checking in with you all today, it’s already beginning to feel like Autumn: misty mornings, spiderwebs, leaves beginning to fall — and I’m not mad about it. This is my favorite time of year, and as we cozy up in the recording studio to work on the new Celtic Christmas album between tours, I’m reminded of a very particular tune and memories of writing it.

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Streaming Music: Good or Bad?
Music Business, Story Times Newsletter The Gothard Sisters Music Business, Story Times Newsletter The Gothard Sisters

Streaming Music: Good or Bad?

Recently, we received a question from a listener, which is also a question we've heard quite frequently from our (very conscientious) fans, and I thought I would answer it today.

"Dear Gothard Sisters,
Thank you so much for your music. It truly brings me joy every time I listen to it, which is especially appreciated these days.

I'm writing because I have a sort of weird question. Recently I was listening to Dragonfly on Spotify, and it occurred to me that I have no idea if it supports you at all to stream your music rather than getting it on CD. The problem is, I don't have a CD player anymore and I don't do downloads either.

Do you actually get any compensation from Spotify at all? I really enjoy it and want to support you, but I just don't do CDs anymore.”

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Streaming Music: Good or Bad?
Story Times Newsletter, Music Business The Gothard Sisters Story Times Newsletter, Music Business The Gothard Sisters

Streaming Music: Good or Bad?

Recently, we received a question from a listener, which is also a question we've heard quite frequently from our (very conscientious) fans, and I thought I would answer it today.

"Dear Gothard Sisters, Thank you so much for your music. It truly brings me joy every time I listen to it, which is especially appreciated these days.I'm writing because I have a sort of weird question. Recently I was listening to Dragonfly on Spotify, and it occurred to me that I have no idea if it supports you at all to stream your music rather than getting it on CD. The problem is, I don't have a CD player anymore and I don't do downloads either. Do you actually get any compensation from Spotify at all? I really enjoy it and want to support you, but I just don't do CDs anymore.

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