Japan Tour Vlog

The Gothard Sisters have returned home to the NW after 5 amazing weeks in Japan. On the tour we visited 22 cities and performed 23 concerts. It was completely amazing and delightful. We're so grateful! 

The tour in Japan was put together by Min-On Concert Organization in Tokyo. The organization's mission is to promote cross-cultural understanding through music by inviting artists from around the world to perform in Japan. From beautiful concert halls in every major Japanese city to small towns in the more remote regions, we were given a warm welcome by every audience. They laughed, cried, and sang along with us during each performance, which shows how music can truly connect people from across the globe. 

Solana learned several songs in Japanese for the tour - and it was the most amazing feeling to be singing in a different language and hear a thousand audience members singing along with us. Definitely something all three of us will remember forever!

Watch the tour vlog below to get a better sense of what this tour was like.


Christmas Tour Vlog


It’s the Little Things - 10 Year Anniversary Album