February Update 🌺
Album Process, Recording Update The Gothard Sisters Album Process, Recording Update The Gothard Sisters

February Update 🌺

Well, it has BEEN a couple of months. Starting with the Fall Tour in September it feels like we have been go, go, go since then with multiple tours and various "life stuff" that has prevented the kind of studio time we were hoping for. HOWEVER, after the Christmas tour we were able to settle back down again into a calm enough state that two new songs emerged over the holidays, and we have slowly been working on the demos for those songs and hope to get them recorded next month. 

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Back in the Studio
Audio Preview, Storyteller, Recording Update The Gothard Sisters Audio Preview, Storyteller, Recording Update The Gothard Sisters

Back in the Studio

October's greetings to you. Here in the Pacific Northwest we've officially reached the time of year that I call "confusing" because "it's not cold but it's not warm either." The spiderwebs are spectacular, the trees are changing their gowns to a new color, and we're busy at work on our current musical and creative projects -- as usual. 

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In the Studio: Update
Recording Update The Gothard Sisters Recording Update The Gothard Sisters

In the Studio: Update

In case you missed the news in the last Story Times, we're working on a new album! It should be coming out sometime next year, and it will be twelve brand new original songs. We already have 7 of the 12 songs done, and we love listening to the new direction these songs are taking!  We're really looking forward to you all getting to hear it.

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Early Summer’s Greetings!
Recording Update, Album Process The Gothard Sisters Recording Update, Album Process The Gothard Sisters

Early Summer’s Greetings!

Today I'm checking in with you from the beautiful pacific Northwest. We've been working on a lot of things behind the scenes! Three upcoming tours are currently in the works. We've also been writing new music! Almost as soon as the new Christmas album came out we jumped right back into the studio and are working on new original music now. 

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